Im Überblick This 47 week overland expedition is one of the world’s last true adventures! Starting in Morocco this tour travels down the remote west coast of Africa all the way to Cape Town before turning around and heading up the wildlife-rich east side of Africa all the way to Cairo, all in a custom-built Madventure overland truck with a group of up to 36 travellers. On this tour you will visit iconic sights as well as remote areas of Africa including Marrakesh, Sahara Desert, Freetown, Lake Ganvie, Kalandula Falls, Etosha National Park, Kruger National Park, Okavango Delta, Victoria Falls, Zanzibar, Serengeti National Park, Mountain Gorillas, Masai Mara National Reserve, Djibouti and the Pyramids of Giza! Tagesprogramm / Reiseroute
- Tag 1-14
- 14, Morocco & Western Sahara
- Tag 15-23
- 23, Mauritania
- Tag 24-31
- 31, Senegal
- Tag 32-37
- 37, The Gambia
- Tag 38-40
- 40, Senegal
- Tag 41-43
- 43, Guinea Bissau
- Tag 44-52
- 52, Guinea
- Tag 53-58
- 58, Sierra Leone
- Tag 59-66
- 66, Liberia
- Tag 67-73
- 73, Ivory Coast
- Tag 74-84
- 84, Ghana
- Tag 85-89
- 89, Togo
- Tag 90-99
- 99, Benin
- Tag 100-111
- 111, Nigeria
- Tag 112-119
- 119, Cameroon
- ...
- ..................
- Tag 166-194
- 194, South Africa, Lesotho & Eswatini
- Tag 195-203
- 203, Mozambique
- Tag 204-211
- 211, Zimbabwe
- Tag 212-225
- 225, Botswana, Namibia & Zimbabwe
- Tag 226-235
- 235, Zambia
- Tag 236-240
- 240, Malawi
- Tag 241-256
- 256, Tanzania
- Tag 257-260
- 260, Burundi
- Tag 261-264
- 264, Rwanda
- Tag 265-274
- 274, Uganda
- Tag 275-287
- 287, Kenya
- Tag 288-301
- 301, Ethiopia
- Tag 302-308
- 308, Somaliland
- Tag 309-312
- 312, Djibouti
- Tag 313-318
- 318, Ethiopia
- Tag 319-328
- 328, Egypt
Reiseländer (28): Ägypten, Angola, Äthiopien, Benin, Botsuana, Burundi, Dschibuti, Elfenbeinküste, Gabun, Ghana, Guinea, Kamerun, Kenia, Malawi, Marokko, Mauretanien, Mosambik, Namibia, Nigeria, Ruanda, Sambia, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Simbabwe, Südafrika, Tansania, Togo, Uganda Reiseziele (71): Abidjan, Abomey, Abu Simbel, Accra, Addis Abeba, Arusha, Aswan, Bazaruto Archipelago, Benin, Blyde River Canyon, Bujumbura, Bulawayo, Bwindi Forest, Cabinda, Calandula Falls, Chobe Nationalpark, Conakry, Dakar, Dar Es Salaam, Der Malawisee, Djibouti, Durban, Essaouira, Etosha National Park, Fés, Fish River Canyon, Freetown, Gizeh, Grand Bassam, Harar, Harare, Hermanus, Jinja, Kairo, Kapstadt, Kigali, Kilimanjaro, Knysna, Kruger National Park, Labe, Lake Naivasha, Libreville, Lilongwe, Lomé, Luanda, Luxor, Maasai Mara National Reserve, Makgadikgadi Salt Pans, Maputo, Marrakesch, Murchison falls, Nairobi, Namib Wüste, Nationalpark Addo Elephant, Ngorongoro Krater, Nouadhibou, Nouakchott, Okavango Delta, Ouadane, Ouidah, Samburu County, Serengeti National Park, South Luangwa National Park, Stellenbosch, Swakopmund, Tiwai Island Wildlife Sanctuary, Todra Gorge, Victoriafälle (Zimbabwe), Yamoussoukro, Yaounde, Zanzibar city |