Im Überblick
Savour every moment of this six-day adventure that takes you across the Cook Islands. Start with the markets, orchards, waterfalls and views of Rarotonga then hop over to the white sand beaches and lush green bush of Atiu. Along the way, you’ll have plenty of time to laze beachside, admire a slow sunset, meet locals during cultural and wildlife tours and visit a hidden tumunu bush bar. This is a holiday that’ll leave you rested, relaxed and refreshed (while still showcasing the very best of island life).
Tagesprogramm / Reiseroute
- Tag 1
- Rarotonga
- Tag 2
- Rarotonga
- Tag 3
- Rarotonga
- Tag 4
- Rarotonga-Atiu
- Tag 5
- Atiu
- Tag 6
- Atiu-Rarotonga