Intrepid Travel has come a long way since its humble beginnings in 1989. A company that began with two bearded backpackers, a typewriter and a kitchen table now leads 100,000 travellers across the globe each year. Today, Intrepid runs more than 1,000 itineraries across the globe and employs more than 1,500 staff and leaders (many of whom don’t even have beards). And while Indiana Jones got bored of travelling after only three adventures (we don’t talk about the fourth), Intrepid is still adding to our list of itineraries across Europe, Asia, Africa, North & South America, the Middle East, Australia and both the Arctic & Antarctica.
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Intrepid Travel reist am häufigsten in die folgenden Länder.
Australien (55)
Italien (45)
Kroatien (42)
Vietnam (42)
Tansania (42)
Thailand (41)
Kenia (39)
Indien (38)
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Wir haben 860 Rundreisen mit Intrepid Travel in 119 Ländern mit einer Dauer von 5 - 64 Tage und Preisen ab EUR 369,00.
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☛ Afrika
☛ Antarktik-Continent
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☛ Australien und Neu-Seeland
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Alle Rundreisen und Kreuzfahrten
Best of Brazil
Preise ab
± EUR 1.004,00
Andorra: Hike, Bike & Raft
± EUR 1.222,00
Summer Pyrenees Family Holiday with teenagers
Inca Trail Express
± EUR 1.256,00
North China Getaway
± EUR 1.300,00
Galapagos Experience
± EUR 1.387,00
Iceland Express
± EUR 1.402,00
Explore Jordan
± EUR 1.596,00
Jordan & Egypt Express
± EUR 1.197,00
China Highlights
± EUR 1.634,00